2025 Competition Results

The Georgia Student Technology Competition (GASTC) has once again showcased the incredible talent and innovation of students across our state! This year's competition brought together young minds who demonstrated exceptional skills in various technology categories.

Top Winners Across Categories

We are proud to announce the outstanding students who earned top honors in this year's competition:

We are thrilled to welcome you to the Georgia Student Technology Competition (GASTC) on March 1st, 2025! Congratulations on making it to this stage—it’s a remarkable achievement, and you should be incredibly proud. You’ll be competing against some of the most talented students from across the state, all of whom have worked just as hard as you. While we’d love for everyone to take home an award, this is a competition showcasing the best of the best—so give it your all and take pride in how far you’ve come!

To ensure a smooth and successful experience, please take note of the following important reminders:

1.    It will be held on March 1st at the Academy of Advanced Studies in Henry County.  401 East Tomlinson St, McDonough, GA 30253

2.    Stay Updated: Visit our website regularly for any last-minute announcements or updates.

3.    Judging/Awards ScheduleJudging/Awards times are posted on the website at the top of the page. All you need to do is type in your name until you see it come up and click on your name. Please note that we cannot accommodate any schedule changes at this point.

4.     Arrival Time: Please plan to arrive 1 hour before your scheduled judging time

5.    Judging Expectations: Take a few minutes to watch this video on what to expect. Judges will focus primarily on your technical skills rather than just your presentation or final product. Be ready to demonstrate your knowledge of the software, system, code, or product you created.

6.    Concessions: Food and drinks will be available for purchase at the event, but cash is required—please plan accordingly.

7.    Clear Bag Policy: Henry County Schools requires all attendees to use clear bags when entering the competition and awards venues.

8.    Awards Ceremony: This year’s awards ceremony will be held in the Performing Arts Center (PAC), adjacent to the Academy of Advanced Studies. No food or drinks are allowed in the PAC, and clear bags are required for entry.

We can’t wait to see you all on March 1st and celebrate your hard work and innovation. Best of luck—showcase your skills and make this experience one to remember!


Aaron Griffin, Director
Georgia Student Technology Competition

Clear Bag Policy

To ensure the safety and security of all attendees, Henry County Schools implements a clear bag policy at all campus locations and events. This policy helps maintain a safe environment while providing a quick and efficient entry process for our guests. If a bag is necessary, the bag must meet the following criteria in order to enter the venue:

Bags must be CLEAR plastic, vinyl or PVC and not exceed 12” x 6” x 12”. Bags cannot be tinted with color or include oversized content that prevents visibility into the clear bag. Clear book bags are acceptable for use as diaper bags for adults who have infants or toddlers. Small, pocket-sized wallets are allowable in a clear bag.

Any type of non-clear bag will not be permitted. Exceptions will only be made for medically necessary items after proper inspection by security personnel. Please ask for assistance at the entrance.

Guests with non-complying bags can store their items in their car and return to the event.

State Technology Competition Itinerary

Hello State Technology Competition Participants,

We are excited about the upcoming event on Saturday, March 11th.  We are grateful to the Forsyth School District for hosting our event at their Academies of Creative Education Building (ACE) and the Forsyth Central High School Arena.  Below is the information you will need for the event day.  Please read carefully.


  • The competition address for the Academies of Creative Education (ACE) is:

    • 1160 Dahlonega Hwy, Cumming, GA 30040

  • The awards ceremony address for Forsyth Central High School Arena (See map on GASTC Location Page) is:

    • 131 Almon C. Hill Dr, Cumming, GA 30040 


You can find your judging times posted on the GASTC Website Update pageYour judge time cannot be changed for any reason.  Here is what you need to do in preparation for judging:

  1.  Make sure you have all of your material and devices for your judging before you come

  2. Check-in 

    1. Be at the ACE building at least 60 minutes before your judging time

    2. Enter the building on the first floor

    3. Follow signs to check in down the first hall

    4. Find the sign based on your last name

    5. Check in with a volunteer and pick up a t-shirt

  3. Wait on the first floor until 20 minutes before your judging time.  Please do not go to the judging areas before that.

  4. 20 minutes before judge time, make your way up to your judging area.

    1.  3rd/4th Grade on the Second floor

    2.  5th/6th Grade on the Second floor

    3.  7th/8th Grade on the Third floor

    4.  9th/10th Grade on the Third floor

    5. 11th/12th Grade on the Third floor

  5. Follow signs to your grade level area and check in with the hall monitor.

  6.  After check-in, students will walk back to the judging area if it is the right time.  No parents or teachers are allowed in the judging area.

  7. Students will present their project in a 15 minute time window.

  8. Parents will meet students where they check in with the hall monitor

  9. If you came by car, we ask that after your child is finished being judged, we ask if you could please leave campus and head to the awards at Central HS Arena or in town until your awards.  This will help with making sure we have enough parking for later participants.

  10. Students that have come on a bus, please meet your teacher in your designated area on the first floor

Note that no food will be purchased at the ACE building.  If you come on a bus, you must make arrangements to bring food or go get food.


Awards will be at a separate location this year.  The Forsyth Central High School Arena will be open at 10:00 AM for people to enter.  There will be concessions sold over there by the Forsyth Central High School Cheerleaders.

  1.  All categories will end at different times.

  2. Post on the GASTC Website Update page will be the approximate times your category's awards will be announced.

  3. We ask that all students sit on the gym floor, and parents can sit in the stands.

  4. After your awards have been announced, you are free to leave.

Thank you all for being a part of such a wonderful event for all of our students across the state of Georgia.  All of us at GASTC wish each and every participant good luck this weekend.


Thank you,

Tom Lamb
Director GASTC

Student Interview Times Available Now

Click below to view student interview times. Please note, there is a project interview time and a separate time for the start of the awards ceremony for that specific grade-band category. Students should arrive at least 30 minutes prior to their judging time to ensure they are able to get through the check-in process and to their room in time.

The awards ceremonies will be held at a separate location this year. See this page for more details.

2023 Event Location

We have finally secured a location for this year’s State Tech Competition. The event will be held at Gateway Academy in Forsyth County. The address is 1160 Dahlonega Hwy, Cumming, GA 30040. From downtown Atlanta, it is 20 minutes farther north than Kennesaw State University.

You can check our Location page for more details.

2022 Competition Timeline

The timeline listed below is for the state competition. Be sure to check your Region competition for any deadlines specific to your region.

Feb 21, 2022 - Deadline for regions to promote student projects

Feb 28, 2022 - Deadline for students to upload changes to projects

Mar 18-30, 2022 Project judging window

Awards will be announced in April 2022.

2021 Results are IN!

The virtual judging period is finally complete! All results are in and the final scores have been tallied. The final results along with senior scholarship winners have now been posted below.

Thank you to everyone involved with the competition this year. 2021 was full of so many excellent projects and so much hard work from both the students and the volunteers.