Georgia Student Programming Challenge

Date: Monday, October 28, 2024

Location: Virtual
Check-in at 8:30 am. Competition lasts 2 hours (9:00 - 11:00 am)
Individuals or teams of up to three students in grades 5-12

Student/Team Registration Steps

  1. Sign up for a HackerRank Developer Account (step-by-step instructions)
    - Only 1 account will be required per team participating

  2. Ask a school proctor to complete the proctor registration form

  3. Fill out one registration form for your team

optional: Complete the practice competition

Competition Structure

Students in grades 5-12 are eligible to compete as an individual or on a team. Teams can have no more than 3 students. Students must be physically present with an approved proctor during the entire competition window.

Grade Levels

  • 5th - 6th Grade

  • 7th - 8th Grade

  • 9th - 10th Grade

  • 11th - 12th Grade

Approved Programming Languages

The following programming languages are approved for use during the competition

  • C, C#, C++

  • Java

  • Javascript

  • Python 3

Don’t see your specific programming language? Contact Mike Afdahl for more details.

Approved resources

Students are limited on the resources they have access to during the competition. Under no circumstance should students access any unapproved resources during the competition. The only approved resources are the official documentation for each programming language (Example for Python). Students are not allowed to access any outside resources such as search engines, Stack Overflow, W3 schools, etc. during the competition. Under no circumstance should students use any AI tools. Using resources that are not approved will lead to immediate disqualification and could also lead to a ban on participating in the competition the following year.

Leaderboard and Scoring

Students will be presented with a set of problems to solve during the 2 hour window. Problems may be solved in any order (non-linear). Some problems are worth more points than other problems. All test cases must pass in order to receive full credit for the problem. The leaderboard will include teams from all age divisions and will be accessible to students until near the end of the competition.

Ties will be broken by using the lowest sum of time of first correct submission for all the problems.

HackerRank Platform

The programming challenge will be hosted on HackerRank. Each team must use a HackerRank account to compete. Students under the age of 13 will be required to use an account set up by their approved proctor.

There is a practice competition set up that students can use to test out the platform at any time before the event. This is not required but highly recommended for students to familiarize themselves with the platform prior to the event and ensure everything is working properly. Anyone may access the practice competition at HackerRank to try out the competition process.

If you have any questions, please email Mike Afdahl.