April 6, 2021
Last Day to post 1st Place Regional Winners to State Site
April 25 - May 1, 2021
1st Place Regional Winners project materials upload window
May 4 - 9, 2021
State Judging Window
May 14, 2021
State Winner Results Announced
Last Day to post 1st Place Regional Winners to State Site
1st Place Regional Winners project materials upload window
State Judging Window
State Winner Results Announced
We know that all students have worked hard on projects, and we want to ensure that your hard work is acknowledged and evaluated! Due to a virtual GaSTC event and the need to keep the competition fair and equitable, we need your help ensuring that all submissions are in a uniform format. Please keep video formats simple with the main focus on the content being presented. This is not a forum for showcasing video editing or animation skills.
The document below outlines the submission guidelines for the state competition. Most regions will follow the same format as well.
The judging period closed on Wednesday night. All results are in and the final scores are being tallied now. The final results along with senior scholarship winners have now been posted below.
Thank you to everyone involved with the competition this year. So many excellent projects and so much hard work from both the students and the volunteers.
This year’s virtual programming challenge will be held on Friday, May 8th. All qualifying students should have received an email sent on Monday, May 4th with competition instructions and information. If you did not receive instructions, please reach out to Bucky Bush (bbush@nwgaresa.com) ASAP.
Due to the extenuating circumstances around COVID-19, the decision has been made to hold the 2020 competition virtually.
During your preparations, please be mindful of social distancing. The safety of all students is very important and it is not advised to video with your partner. An alternate option for recording could be to record one partner live with the 2nd partner virtual. Be creative in recording your virtual presentations and stay safe.
Video presentations will be submitted online and there will be a 1-week judging period after the student submission window closes. Please read all Virtual Submission Guidelines before beginning work on your project. After all judging has been completed, project and scholarship winners will be posted on the GaSTC Event Website.
Physical awards and t-shirts will be distributed next school year through regional competition directors. Scholarship winners will receive more information via email toward the end of May.
April 27th - May 10th - Project Submission Window
May 13th - 20th - Judging Window
The programming challenge will also be held remotely. However, no video submission will be required for this. Students in this category will receive information specific to the virtual programming competition later this month.
Our team of volunteers is diligently exploring alternate options to hold the competition in some capacity and we will communicate the details as decisions are made. A final decision will be made by the beginning of April. As you can imagine, scheduling an event of this magnitude requires a lot of planning, communication, and effort.
It is with a heavy heart that given the nature of COVID-19, we have decided to cancel this year’s competition. The safety of all participants, judges, and volunteers always comes first.
Congratulations to all regional first place winners who would have competed at this year’s competition.
Please stay safe, healthy and we hope to see you at next year’s competition on March 13, 2021.
Parents and students will have various options for lunch and snacks throughout the day. There will be a few options on campus as well as many others within a short drive. See the PDF flyer at the bottom for all information.
Stingers Buffett (pre-purchase tickets at check-in)
Starbucks - Grab ‘N’ Go Items
STACKS Sandwiches and Snacks
Cool Beans Coffee
Marietta Square Market Food Hall
Marietta Diner
Red Eyed Mule
The Big Chicken (KFC)
The map below includes all buildings relevant to the competition.
Participants: Deck P60 (West Visitor Parking) - You will check-in in at building M.
Event Staff/Judges: Lot P30 - You will check-in at building Q.
Buses: Student drop-off is just south of building M and parking is in Lot P38 extension
Note: Be sure to arrive with enough time to check in and get your project to the judging area. We suggest arriving at least 30 minutes to an hour prior to your assigned judging time.
As our awareness of COVID-19 (caused by the novel coronavirus) has increased, we wanted to share the plans we have in place as the situation evolves.
We have been actively monitoring COVID-19 and planning for its potential impact. We continue to engage directly with local and national public health officials, including the CDC, and the Georgia Department of Public Health.
• The health and well-being of all participants is a main priority for us.
• We are focusing on hygiene on campus, including hand washing/hand sanitization with students, and hygiene education.
• We continue to carefully monitor the situation, and should it become necessary, we may postpone, or cancel this competition based on the most up-to-date information and guidance available.
• We encourage all of our families to redouble their use of personal hygiene and prevention measures to stay healthy and reduce the chances of transmission of all illnesses.
• We ask that you follow recommendations from the CDC and the U.S. Department of State regarding travel guidance to prevent the spread of this virus.
• If anyone in your family presents with flu-like symptoms, we ask that you seek medical attention and stay at home. Everyone should be fever (over 100.4°F) free for 24 hours without medication before attending the competition.
Specific judging times for each project are now live. Click the button below to download the full list.
Check out our lodging page for a special event rate on nearby lodging.
Each student participating in the competition must bring a signed form with them. Forms will be turned in at student check-in.
Congratulations to all of this year’s students! We are so proud of all of your hard work. The complete list of results for each category is listed below.
If you were unable to attend the awards ceremony, you may contact your Regional Director to receive your medal.
The Student Scholarship winners list is now posted on our scholarships page.
Multiple food service areas will open on Saturday beginning with Starbucks at 7:00 am. The Cafeteria will also offer a la carte Danish, fruit cup, yogurt, etc. beginning at 9:00 am. Lunch will be $7.50 plus tax. Please note, Subway will not be open until 10:00 am.
Starbucks PSC - 7 am - 4 pm
Camelot Court - 9 am - 2 pm
Subway - 10 am - 3 pm
Visit our Location page for directions and the address for the Middle Georgia State College (Macon Campus).
You can also download and print a campus map. Student check-in will be held in the SLC building (#10 on the map).
Project judging times and award ceremony times are now posted. Each project has a 15-minute interview time and will be assigned to either Award Ceremony A or B.
There will be 2 award ceremonies this year (A and B). The first ceremony will begin at 1:30 and the second will begin at 4:00.
If you find any issues, please notify our registrar, Richard Free (richard.free@heard.k12.ga.us), immediately.
Click the button below to view the list of Regional first place winners. The list will be updated weekly to include new regions as results are submitted. If you find any issues, please notify our registrar, Richard Free (richard.free@heard.k12.ga.us), immediately.
The final list of winning projects is available below. Congratulations to ALL students! Lists for scholarship winners will be posted to the website early next week.
If you were unable to attend your awards ceremony, please contact your regional director.