Coronavirus Precautions

As our awareness of COVID-19 (caused by the novel coronavirus) has increased, we wanted to share the plans we have in place as the situation evolves. 

We have been actively monitoring COVID-19 and planning for its potential impact. We continue to engage directly with local and national public health officials, including the CDC, and the Georgia Department of Public Health.

•    The health and well-being of all participants is a main priority for us.
•    We are focusing on hygiene on campus, including hand washing/hand sanitization with students,  and hygiene education.
•    We continue to carefully monitor the situation, and should it become necessary, we may postpone, or cancel this competition based on the most up-to-date information and guidance available. 

•    We encourage all of our families to redouble their use of personal hygiene and prevention measures to stay healthy and reduce the chances of transmission of all illnesses. 
•    We ask that you follow recommendations from the CDC and the U.S. Department of State regarding travel guidance to prevent the spread of this virus. 
•    If anyone in your family presents with flu-like symptoms, we ask that you seek medical attention and stay at home. Everyone should be fever (over 100.4°F) free for 24 hours without medication before attending the competition.